Tuesday, 18 May 2010

over a year...

Ok so it has been well over a year since I blogged and it is painfully ironic that my last post was on frustration. I am frustrated with myself for not following through on writing as it's such a great outlet for my own thoughts even if only a few read it! It was quite interesting reading my own blog back to myself after a year. In some ways I was discouraged at how I still feel very similar in terms of frustration; but let's call it perseverance.

God really is calling people to go further in terms of their sacrifice of going along with the status quo. Laying down career, status and wealth is still a battle that I face daily and yet I am beginning to really ask myself why? I often can feel ashamed that I have not the flashy career, house, cash flow. I internally feel low at my status as a humble waitress surrounded by 21 year olds. My pride is bruised when I explain the randomness of the ministry that I am a part of when people don't quite get it. However all of this is so utterly utterly wrong.

Even the phrase "laying down career, status and wealth" is totally flawed. These are gods of this age. Idols in my mind. False bases for life. Temporary aneasthetics. I am not in fact laying down anything at all. I'm really not. It's only a sacrifice if these things mean more to me than the King and his kingdom. My true career is to be a messenger. My status' [stati?] are multiple superior realities that I needn't extrapolate here. My wealth is infinite in this age and in the age to come.

Anything that seems like a sacrifice seems to really be an area where I have backward priorities. Does this mean that a sense of sacrifice highlights a flawed view of something...? because God in his goodness would never ask us to do something that is inherently "mean". It may only seem mean because of our wrong view of what is truly good. To be happy and content is to be in alignment with heaven in spirit and soul. It is to be whole. It is to be totally assured and certain. If it feels like a sacrifice I need a revelation of how unfathomably trustworthy He is. He is a good Dad and leader of my life par excellence.

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